Intergal-Bud invests in the reconstruction of the city rainwater collector


One of the central streets of the capital - Kudryashova - has been suffering from rain for a long time. Every time after heavy rains, the water just "stands" on it, which causes fair complaints from residents. And all because the city did not equip the street with a special collector, through which the water would quickly release the asphalt.
This long-standing problem of Kyiv was solved by the largest non-state developer - "Intergal-Bud". The meaning of the company's work is not limited to the development of a comfortable environment in its projects, but to pay special attention to the improvement of the whole area. This time the developer at his own expense is reconstructing a defective section of the rain collector, making it operational. As of today, the reconstruction project has already been developed and approved. Work will begin soon.
Development of the city's engineering infrastructure is a systematic work for Intergal-Bud. So, for the last 5 years the sum of non-refundable investments of the company only in Kiev under this article has made about 370 million hryvnias. In the Solomyanka district, Intergal-Bud built a modern Malachite residential complex, modernizing not only the landscape of the city center, but also arranging several nearby streets. Currently, the company is building two more state-of-the-art complexes - Sky Avenue (the concept of the complex is a yard without cars) and CITY HUB, which, we are sure, will be the decoration of Kudryashova Street.

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