In June, «Intergal-Bud» announced the start of work on the reconstruction of a problematic rain collector on Kudryashova Street. We are glad to announce that as of today, we have already developed and agreed on a project for the reconstruction of the problem area with the city authorities and have begun work.
Work on the arrangement of the collector at Kudryashova, next to the CITY HUB, will continue for about 2 months. We are confident that after the completion of the reconstruction, the problem with rainwater will be solved once and for all.
Development of the city's engineering infrastructure is a systematic work for «Intergal-Bud». Over the past 5 years, the amount of the company's irrevocable investments in Kiev alone under this item has exceeded UAH 370 million.
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Найбільший приватний забудовник України, компанія «Інтергал-Буд», святкує 21 рік з початку роботи на вітчизняному ринку де...
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